

I love cats -- I'm one of the CRAZY CAT LADIES here in Nevada. We have multiple cats in our home, and they're ALL indoor only cats.In the past I have let some of my cats be indoor /outdoor -- but NOT here in the city. It's just too dangerous with all the traffic in this area.I think I'd faint too if one of my cats came in the house with half his/her face hanging off. I HAVE seen this type of situation once before -- I was at our vet's office, and a lady came in screaming that her cat's nose had "fallen off". The poor cat was there, CALM, in the carrier with his nose just dangling from a thread. Perfectly calm - no problem. It was like "yeah my nose fell off - don't you just HATE when that happens?". Our vet re-attacted the nose and the cat is fine.Animals are amazing. Elaine

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